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Piazza della Libertà
Divina DaMare Charter & Boat Rental, Molo Manfredi porto di Salerno, Salerno, SA, Italia
Basé sur 1 Avis
Amazing Experience
From the beginning everything was excellent. Our captain Flabio texted me earlier the day before our arrival and the next day. Very convenient location right where the Cruise ship duck few steps away . Flabio took the time to explain to us all of the beauty of Amalfi cost. He was very helpful and flexible. We have two kids one 3 years old and 7 years old , they had a blast . I would recommend this tour 100% if you really want to have a perspective of the Amalfi cost from the water side . Thank you so much. This was a trip we would never forget
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100% sécurisé - 3DS2